As a life coach and a developmental psychologist, and from my own extensive personal experience, I am an expert on transition and change. Change follows a predictable pattern. There are stages of breakdown, hope and planning, action, and growth.
Inevitably, change also involves feeling stuck sometimes.
When this happens, finding unconditional, practical, straightforward, non-judgmental support from someone you can trust can make all the difference. My commitment is to shift your perspective on issues in your life that are blocking your way forward. I offer you insight into the old habits and patterns that keep you from growing. Each conversation, each coaching session, shifts your perspective from stress to growth. I will ease your natural "growing pains" by walking beside you on your journey toward your goals, with a bag of life coaching tools in hand.
My intention is to create a very personal, nurturing, safe space from which you can grow. My sessions go deep, with many "AH-HA" moments along the way. I promise to deliver inspiration, wisdom, and insight to help you move forward.
During our coaching sessions, you will:
Set powerful intentions and take inspired action
Take a deep dive into your patterns
Uncover and dissolve your blocks
Get crystal clear on what you value most
Learn to trust and rely on your intuition
Commit to integrity with yourself and others
Learn how to grow on your own terms, with calm and ease along the way
Finding out what you really want, and what you don't want, is the first step in a four-step process that I call Inspired Growth:
Self discovery is a journey into loving who you are, deep inside. Beliefs that block you from growing are surfaced and dissolved. In this process, you develop your intuitive sense, and learn to trust yourself in a brand new and powerful way.
Powerful intention is an exercise in integrity. Integrity toward yourself, and being true to who you are, as well as integrity with others. I work with you to consistently voice and clarify your intentions.
Inspired action is continually checking to be sure you are aligned with your intentions. I will help you stay on track.
Surrender to flow is about allowing and receiving. Opening up to receiving is all about mindfulness.
I am not one to tiptoe around issues, or sidestep because it might be uncomfortable. My intention is to inspire you to get to the heart of what drives you, figure out what you truly want, and support you in getting there.